The Mother Wound Collective

Where women come to heal their mother wound & transform their lives,

self-esteem & relationships

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  • Psychotherapist designed mother wound program and courses

  • Live fortnightly tutorials and Q and A's with Sian

  • Meditation, breathwork and yoga sessions

  • Safe online community off social media

  • Mother wound focused discussion forums monitored by Sian and her team

The Mother Wound Collective is for you if:

You grew up seeing your mother with low confidence, anxiety and anger issues, and you want your life to be less of a struggle and more enjoyable

You grew up seeing your mother criticise herself and her body and you want to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin instead

You're fed up of being stuck in the same cycles of people pleasing, burnout and self-neglect, and your ready to build your self esteem find your voice

A safe online space to heal from the impact of

your relationship with your mother

Get 30% off if you sign up today

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Why I started my mother wound healing journey...

It was a hot summers day, I looked out the car window nervously waiting. After 3 tries I’d finally done it!

I’d passed my driving test and felt like I was about to burst with excitement. I got home and ran inside to tell my mum.

It was the most proud of myself I’d been during my 19 years.

I instantly asked if I could drive her round the block. I drove for 10 seconds, she screamed at me to stop, and got out of the car.

“I’m not going to be part of your first car crash Sian”.

In that moment I saw it clearly.

  • That my mothers anxieties carried more weight than her love for me

  • That her instinct was to protect herself rather than connect with me

  • That her lack of confidence in herself had become a lack of confidence in me

I was so hurt AND so ready to unhook myself from our toxic relationship.

In that moment I chose myself for the first time ever.

I made a silent but powerful commitment to myself to heal.

Fast forward 20 years and I’ve worked on every aspect of my mother wound.

I've designed The Mother Wound Collective to help you heal a lot more quickly and easily than I did, and without having to do it alone

How your life will change by joining the mother wound collective

You will have the tools to stop people-pleasing and build solid self-esteem

You will feel more in control & less overwhelmed as you build a life that comes from YOU

You will feel more confident in yourself and your body

You will be able to move on from your past and stop feeling sad, angry and anxious about your relationship with your mother


  • Get instant access to the collective via a separate platform off social media. Accessed on the app or website on any device

  • Access the library of on-demand courses and masterclasses to heal your mother wound at your own pace
  • Check the events calendar for upcoming tutorials and Q and A sessions with Sian
  • Engage in the community forums and heal alongside other women working on their mother wound

About the community

Something that's missing for so many women when healing their mother wound is being able to do it alongside others who understand, and are doing it themselves.

The energy of a group of all healing their mother wound together creates huge momentum and accountability, which makes the process SO much more effective.

  • Ask each other questions
  • Make connections with like minded women
  • Get and give support as you go through the courses
  • Know that you are not the only one who isn't close to their mother

You can also opt out of the community aspect of the collective or just look rather than engage. This is about healing on your terms but the community is there if you want to make use of it.

Joining the collective will give you a proven roadmap to follow as you heal your mother wound

Meet Sian.

I've been a Psychotherapist for the past 15 years, and have been working on my mother wound for even longer.

My professional trainings include

  • Integrative Counselling
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Working with PTSD
  • Treating low self-esteem

After helping 100's of women heal their mother wound, I understand what it takes to get to grips with the unique and painful experience of having a difficult relationship with your mother.

The Mother Wound Collective isn’t just a collection of resources.

This is a specially crafted system, designed and delivered by a qualified Psychotherapist.


I don’t have a relationship with my mother anymore, will this work for me?

YES! Whether your mother has passed away, is absent, or you have chosen to not be in contact with her, the mother wound collective can absolutely help you. The focus is on helping you heal from the affects of your mother wound, rather than on your mother or your relationship with her

I still have a relationship with my mother, is the collective suitable for me?

YES! If you are currently navigating your relationship with your mother there are sections inside the collective to specifically help you with this. You will also benefit from the flagship mother wound healing course and all the other resources.

I’ve already taken the Mother Wound Healing course. Is this still worth joining?

Yes. There’s an updated version of the Mother Wound Healing Method inside the Collective. There’s also a strong focus on me helping you implement the teachings in the method via the fortnightly tutorials and Q and A’s making it easier to see changes in yourself.

What if I want to cancel?

You can cancel at anytime and there’s a section inside the portal explaining how to do this.

When will the live tutorials be?

The tutorials take place every 2 weeks and the times will vary to accommodate different timezones. They will all be recorded and posted inside the collective so you can watch them anytime.

If you take the time to heal your mother wound, you will have taken the time to truly heal.

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